Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Seminar in Ethnography

As one of many graduate offerings from AMS next semester, Ben Chappell will teach AMS 998, U.S. Ethnography in Spring 2012. Click the image for a flyer.

Honors offering in American Studies

Honors students, don't miss this chance to take AMS 112/SOC 112 with Dr. Ray Pence. This is a small-format, more intensive version of AMS 110/SOC 110 and meets a society and culture principal course requirement. Click the image for a flyer.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Graduate course in counterpublics

Two of KU's experts on rhetorical analysis will offer an exciting graduate seminar this spring that will be invaluable for AMS graduate students. Click the image for a flyer.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Langston Hughes Visiting Professor Tammy Kernodle

The Langston Hughes Visiting Professor program brings outstanding scholars to KU for a semester, and this year, AMS will benefit greatly from the visit. Professor Tammy Kernodle, of Miami University of Ohio, is a renowned expert in African American music, who will offer both graduate and undergraduate courses at KU in the spring. Don't miss this chance to study with a leader in the field. Click the flyers for more.

Friday, October 7, 2011

New course option for majors

AMS majors, it's time to think about your spring schedule. If you haven't filled in your second Theory and Method course (other than AMS 360), consider speaking to your adviser about this new course in HWC. Click the image for a flyer.